What is this event about?
So you would like to create new things, solve new problems, and change the world around you, be the entrepreneur... But, you have a full time job. What if you could do all of that, from inside the company, and change the world from within? That is what intrapreneurship is all about.
Who will participate?
Professor Jean-Baptiste Jaussaud: Economist and entrepreneur. He founded 10 start ups in lifestyle and life sciences sectors including biotechnologies, cancer diagnostics, soap factory, gastronomic restaurants, fashion, online newspapers. As Economist he co-founded the Entrepreneurship Legitimacy chair at Aix-Marseille University and teaches at the Aix-Marseille University Economics & Management department and at Mod'Spe the French Fashion Business School in the central europeean campus.
Professor Edson Agatti Lima: Founder and CEO of Hayek Global College, Masters in Economics from George Mason University, and a bachelors in Marketing from Florida Gulf Coast University, ex-CFO and then as Director of Strategy at Uniceplac, previously worked as tax adviser for KPMG in Budapest, Hungary; and also at Atlas Network, and the Charles G. Koch Foundation in Washington DC.
Thursday, February 11th at 1 PM Brasilia Time (GMT - 3)
On Zoom!
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